Did COVID-19 Make Tinnitus, 'Ringing' in the Ears, Worse?
A researcher from FAU and collaborators compared patients with tinnitus before and during the COVID-19 pandemic to assess if the severity of tinnitus was influenced by the lockdown related to the pandemic.
FAU Names PHF Computational Brain Health Graduate Fellows
FAU has selected four Ph.D. students whose work embraces computational neuroscience to receive the inaugural Palm Health Foundation Computational Brain Health Graduate Fellowships.
FAU Emerging Scientist to Receive 2022 "Cataract Research Award"
Lisa Ann Brennan, Ph.D., an associate research professor in the Schmidt College of Medicine, will receive the prestigious 2022 National Foundation for Eye Research's "Cataract Research Award" in May.
Novel Wearable Armband Helps Users of Prosthetic Hands to 'Get a Grip'
FAU researchers have designed a first-of-its-kind multichannel soft robotic armband that conveys artificial sensations of touch, which could be a game changer for users of prosthetic hands.
Unique FAU Seagrass Nursery Aims to Help Florida's Starving Manatees
A study shows widespread seagrass loss in Florida's Indian River Lagoon as FAU scientists experiment with growing seagrass in large tanks to try to restore some of the lost seagrass beds.
FAU Scientists Uncover 'Missing' Plastics Deep in the Ocean
A study is the first to unveil the prevalence of plastics in the entire water column in the southern Atlantic Ocean and implicates the ocean interior as a crucial pool of 'missing' plastics.
Both Mothers and Friends Shape Adolescent Self-esteem
A new longitudinal study takes a deep dive into adolescent self-esteem and the role that parents - specifically mothers - and friends play in shaping how youth feel about themselves.
Online Forums Like Reddit Could Work as Drug Use Early Warning System
A study is the first to evaluate the utility of online drug use forums as an early indicator of impending novel psychoactive substances intoxications or potentially lethal outcomes before they happen.
Marine Sponge Cells in 3D Could Ramp-up Production of Drug Compounds
FAU Harbor Branch scientists are the first to culture sponge cells in 3D to scale-up production of sponge biomass and bioactive metabolites for novel drug compounds.
FAU Lands $1.3 Million NIH Grant for Rapid, Automated HIV Self-test
FAU engineering and biomedical science researchers are developing an affordable and reliable, automated HIV self-test that will increase access and improve treatment outcomes in any setting.