CIOERT Explores Pulley Ridge on NOAA-Funded Research Cruise

By | August 27, 2015

FAU's Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research and Technology (CIOERT) is once again involved in a NOAA-funded project to investigate the role that healthy reefs play in replenishing ecosystems.

Student Spends Summer Swimming with Sharks in Africa

By | August 26, 2015

Honors College sophomore William Sample had the incredible opportunity to spend a month in Mossel Bay, South Africa studying great white sharks through the Oceans Research Internship.

Neuroscientist Develops New, Rapid Dementia Screening Tool

By | August 17, 2015

Determining whether or not an individual has dementia and to what degree is a long and laborious process that can take an experienced professional such as a clinician about four to five hours to administer.

Researcher Sheds Light on Bilingual Development in Children

By | August 17, 2015

A professor of psychology at FAU provides important information that should help clinicians as they assess bilingual children and advise their parents.

Study Shows Lack of Meaning in Life Linked to Addiction

By | August 17, 2015

A commonly used treatment in addiction is the 12-step model developed in the 1930s. Yet, surprisingly, there is no clear understanding about how to nurture spirituality among people struggling with addictions.

Study Shows Candidate Voice Pitch Influences Voters

By | August 7, 2015

FAU researcher shows how tone of candidates' voices can make a difference at the polls. Findings from the study suggest a preference for age and experience and possible impact on female candidates.

Unique FAU Study on Adolescent Friendships

By | July 20, 2015

No one likes to lose a friend, especially adolescents. But why do friendships end? Researchers in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at 黑料社app sought to answer this question with a study exam... Moreining whether adolescent friendships end because of undesirable characteristics of friends, because of differences between friends, or both.

Students Educate the Community at Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex

By | July 14, 2015

Integrative biology doctoral students Alexandra Lolavar and Boris Tezak are helping to educate our community and its visitors on sea turtle research and conservation efforts.

Steve Swanson's Achievements Have Made For a Stellar Career

By | July 10, 2015

Taking a selfie while walking down the street is about as common today as walking itself ... but what about taking one while floating in outer space?

FAU PlutoPalooza

By | July 10, 2015

黑料社app's Astronomical Observatory, Department of Geosciences, as well as the University Libraries will host "PlutoPalooza," a free, open house event that will showcase various aspects of the science... More involved with NASA's historic mission.